Monday 10 August 2009

Need to post more often!

Geez! i'm finding it really hard to find the time to post on here!

I barely check my mail once a day...

my DeviantART inbox reads: 197 deviations, 25 journals, 3 polls and 1 activity message...
- that means that i need to check all that stuff! man...


anyway, it's been incredibly busy! i'm doing my work experience (at a dental clinic) atm, and it's exhausting!

but once the storm has settled i shall try my very hardest to make posting (and checking other people's blogs- sorry!) a regular thing.

byebye for now mateees! ;)

1 comment:

  1. hey, you posted!!! i am not liking my layout. Dont know what to do... maybe we should learn to use html. I made my computer work!! Yea me!!

    anyway, yea, get to posting!
