Wednesday 9 September 2009

Mask Party

This saturday i went to a friend's 18th birthday party- it had a mask theme! and was so much fun!


i tried dancing (emphasis on the tried) and most of the people there got very drunk. lol, first time i've seen my friends completely drunk- it was incredibly amusing. :)
however it did end on a bit of a low note- when two guys got into a fight and one ended up hitting the other with a glass bottle (he had to have 15 stitches).... :( and the police turned up and ambulances....

but otherwise a very fun night! and there's a picture of me by the way, wearing my awesome (and pretty cheap) mask- only £3.99!! not too bad folks!


p.s. i've realised, i like to paartay!!!

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Wuthering Heights


The other day i saw 'Wuthering Heights' on itv. It was shown in two 75 mins sections over two days! It was really very good! Heathcliff was played by Tom Hardy (he was incredibly sexy in it!) and Cathy played by Charlotte Riley (who is also stunninly beautiful). So, awesome pair!

Although it had an amazing cast, top-class acting, was written by a Bronte sister (Emily Bronte to be specific) it felt rushed... to a certain degree... characters seemed rash in some of their decisions and just as we (the viewers) were about to really get some insight and real depth (which i believe the actors were dying to give)- the script demanded for the next piece of action or scene to happen. So in short, i think two 75 mins sections is way to short to really build the tension and drama in this story and its characters demand.

but that's being overly analytic perhaps....

anyway, nice costumes, it's period drama (what's not to like about that?!) and i definitely digged Tom Hardy's sexy moody-ness! In fact my mother and i thought the character of Heathcliff is very similar to the Phantom (Phantom of the Opera)- misunderstood, in love, vengeful and kinda dark and gothy. :)

And I'm sure you've noticed the screen shots included, for your viewing pleasure (as always, click on them to be directed to their source)