Sunday 15 January 2012

Silence does equal happiness

So i have taken a special effort in the last couple of weeks to give myself moments of quiet/ silence whenever possible. Whether it be stopping myself from plugging my ipod in on public transport, or just lying in bed letting my mind go blank or even going so far as to find a specific space on the floor to cross my legs, breathe slowly and be still.

I can report that it really does work. I feel much more centered. I also find it much easier to let go of things bothering me whether they are insignificant or significant.

Interestingly i find it less necessary to talk all the time. Which i guess is a significant change since i usually suffer from word diarrhoea. Sadly in the past i have found that the more you say, the less people seem to listen. 

Admittedly it has been difficult finding that place where i am not focusing on problems in my life, or reflecting upon scenarios that have happened- and once it has been found it is almost impossible to maintain for any impressive length of time.

Gradually the results are seeping through and they are positive! So if you haven't given it a go- try it out for two weeks. Silence does equal happiness.

Musical Theatre Bitch

Friday 6 January 2012

BBC's Sherlock

Just watched series 2: part the first out of three.

Definitely worth staying up til insane hours of the morning.

Everything I've ever wanted in a detective show this show hit right on the nail.

I shall sleep very happily indeed.

A bit sad about missing season 1 though, but hey-ho what can one do?

If you have not yet watched this- I urge you, on my knees to watch it. It is much too good to be missed.

Marvelous stuff

Tuesday 3 January 2012

His voice is so beautiful


The new year is here and i feel like i should learn from all the crazy mistakes last year. Brand new slate.

This year i shall be organised and punctual.

I shall be a musician once again.

I shall give myself at least 5 minutes (preferably 30 minutes) a day where i am completely quiet and my mind is clear- i've heard that increases happiness and stillness within yourself.

I shall be more careful about throwing myself wholeheartedly into activites, friendships, relationships. If i've learned anything from last year it is caution.

Talk less and listen more

Lastly to just continue to be happy and myself

Hope you all have a great new year too!