Saturday 30 October 2010

The Cartoon Medley

Check it out

I actually love this. No homo. ;)

Thursday 21 October 2010

This look is just too cool! :)


LookBook. It's such amazing inspiration! Check it out if you haven't already.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Tales from the Tube (part 2)

Oh yes, and now for another encounter i just remembered about.

I manage to squeeze myself onto the tube during rush hour (never an easy task). I spot an empty seat as a woman leaves. A business man is standing right in front of it. I sigh, business men always take the seats. He glances over at me and smiles.

Business man: Oh, here you have it. gestures for me to take the seat.

Me: in slight shock oh wow, thanks very much! i move to take the seat. Just before i manage to sit, i see an elderly-ish lady board the carriage. I hover. Oh hello, would you  like this seat?

Elderly-ish lady: Why thank you dear! enthusiastically plonks herself into the seat.

Business man: chuckles pass it on, eh?

Me: smiling yeah it's like a cycle.

Elderly-ish lady: Thanks so much for this. I've been standing all day. This is very very kind of you.

Me: You've been standing all day? Well then you certainly deserve that seat a lot more than i do. smile 

(note: that's a lie. i just came from 3 hours of badminton. my feet were actually killing me!)

Anyway, it was a nice little encounter with random people. It's such scenarios that restore my faith in humanity (really it is the little things). Also, I've had a personal goal since the start of uni to give up a seat to an elderly person on the tube.

so TICK!


Tales from the Tube

Since i spend approx 2 hours of my day on public transport, i thought i'd write about fun things that happen on those oh so very exciting journeys.

So today i sat by this crazy old lady. There was a seat in between us- but as i sat down, with my ipod out she looked over at me. I mean very long stare kind of look. Now when people stare at me on public transport my reflex reaction is to not look at them at all in the hope that they'll stop.

Then she points to my ipod and says "wow, that's really nice. where did you get it from?" I ignore her, but she repeats this. I smile and say "Sorry i don't know, it was a present." She nods and mutters unintelligible words to herself. I think she was a bit... uhm, special.

Anyway i crank up the volume in the attempt to drown out her voice if she decides to speak to me again. She does, i hear her faint voice in the background of my music (Nirvana- smells like teen spirit, at this time). I pretend not to acknowledge her gazing and moving mouth. She then reaches over and gently yanks at my sleeve. At this very moment i discovered that i'm not much fond of strangers touching me on the tube. She asks me about how to get to Baker Street. I tell her it's the next stop. She doesn't seem to understand me. Thankfully it's the next stop, so when the tube stops i politely advice her to dismount. She does so, with another one of those awefully charming stares.

Bless her cotton socks. :)

Tuesday 12 October 2010

They've named the Fundamental Dentistry module: FunDent


It really is the little things....

Fundamental Bonding

First 3 weeks at uni. Crazy in my nazy fun so far!!! Seriously it's awesome, the people are lovely and friendly and intelligent and beautiful. And the course is incredible, long and so mindblowingly challenging!

We had a freshers fortnight. Essential first few weeks to make those all important first impressions on people and make life-long friends (hopefully...). I was told to go to everything i possibly could- since that's the only way to meet lotsa new people in a short space of time.

Week 1:
Monday- induction
Tuesday- Band Night (students with guitars, wearing labcoats and doing some serious headbanging. quite frightening really....)
Wednesday- Curry at Brick Land with Badminton club (very nice and cheap!)
Thursday- Quiz Night (dragged some newly acquainted friends down. we made a team and came.... *drum roll* 19th. Which is 3rd from last. oh well, was fun though!)
Friday- Toga and Tequila night (see below. nuff said!)

Week 2:
Monday + Tuesday- proper lectures. very condensed- adjusting to university pace has been difficult!
Wednesday- first badminton session, may have made team... (squeal!!!!)
Thursday- Gangsters and Hoes (pics below. get yo face excited!!!)
Friday- rest day... my feet had cramps. yet more lectures fyi.
Saturday- Boat Ball (again pics below)

+dentsoc circus night event- just this wednesday.... (photos at the bottom. this will be one heck of a monster of an update folks!)

Thought i'd just upload some pictures onto here of the main events to demonstrate the funness that has been the start of university- woop woop!

First stop; Toga and Tequila Party!

My newly assigned good friend Naz and I- she's shown bottom left of this section- we bought cloth from a market for just under £4 each. Then we basically wrapped it around ourselves-toga style! We grabbed some leaves off trees on our way to my student dad's apartment (he's shown on the right with me- both of us very much drunk by this time). Just below this writing you may see me on the right with leaves on my head. Roman eh? Didn't last a very long time, I'll tell you!

Anyway, it was an amazing night! The lovely, lovely students there bought us very many drinks. The last two pictures were of our tube ride back home- exhausted and drunk. Not a good combo. :)

Gangsters and Hoes:

Ah, you will see my outfit properly just above this text. I'm furthest to the right- in the orange top. First time I've worn heels in months and months. It wasn't easy friends.
So this was the first asian society event of the year. Which meant lotsa R&B music and bangra. lol. If only I'd known how to dance to that... But no worries i once again got a bit too excited about the ol' alcohol. Nevermind had one heck of a night! :D

 Next; Boat Ball:
 Boat ball was a night spent cruising down the Thames. Shame i don't have a full length shot of my dress. Bad planning really- i should really have thought to take a picture before i left... apologies... anyway i'm sure i'll wear it again at some point! ;)

But yes, nice evening. Naz and i decided we would not get drunk this evening. So it felt a lot more mellow than the rest. It's a good and bad thing really. :) Enjoy the less hectic pictures- not as many i'm afraid...

Circus Night (a dentsoc event...):

 And I dressed as a ballerina! Well, kind of... We all painted hearts on ourselves to show that we're now a clan. Indeed. Good thing i brought face paint in, huh? Sonila (below, left) and Nikki (black and white stripes) show our hearts off beautifully! Enjoy! 

So yes, it's been a mad couple of weeks... whew. Just some random pics here at the end- from various fun times around cafeterias and restaurants with my new bum chums. It'll be nice to look back on this post one day and reminisce....

Seriously hoped you liked this post! Pictures are always such a pain in the ass to upload and find and then arrange. Also i have a lazy problem...

Take care ya'll!! 

Monday 11 October 2010

     I like it when I open a document and my monitor says WORD. And I'm like, YO.  "

Sunday 10 October 2010