Thursday 23 December 2010

Les Miserables at the 2010 Royal Variety Performance


Beautiful- especially 'Bring him home'. Here's to one of the greatest musicals of all time!!!

Monday 20 December 2010

" Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see

"Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

Okay look at that girl. She definitely knows she is hot. She does not hate her laugh. And when Bruno compliments her she's probably thinking 'Duh'

I love good deals

I borrowed the following albums yesterday for 3 weeks:

All for the total price of £3

:D Happy Jojo

Thursday 16 December 2010

Freedom tastes so sweet. Like the sweetest Coca Cola on a really hot summer's day. Refreshing! :D ahhhh

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Saturday 11 December 2010


And it's hit me. I will most probably fail this exam. Just not enough time.

if i were to make a list headed 'it sucks to be me' this little event would definitely be on it....

You will not believe what just happened to me. My life is an actual joke. So after waking up at 4:30am in my chair with a neckache. Having unsuccessfully attempted to go through P&P-18 for the fourth time. I decide to tidy my desk and perhaps call it a night. Then what happens?? (and seriously if you guess this- i'll be amazed and also rather confuzzled by how your mind works)

A giant wasp comes droning into my room- making the loudest BBZZZTT i have ever heard in my life. I glance upwards to come face to face with it- well it was less than a meter away from me.

That's right, A GIANT WASP. In December, at 5am, In. My. Room.. How did it even get in?? I was home all day, why didn't i hear this wasp? Plus, it's frickin winter- no windows are open in winter!!

So with my pulse thudding in my throat i drop my lecture notes on the floor, grab a folder as a defence and get the heck outta there.

Finding myself outside in the corridor, with a wasp dominating my room and branding me a banished outsider has definitely not been the highlight of my life. What do I do in this precaurious situation? I glance into my room- find the wasp sitting on my bed. I debate with myself over whether to just trap it in a glass, however upon seeing it's MASSIVE stinging behind i am quickly convinced that fetching dad is the best solution.

So waking my dad at 5am. I am 18 years old and at uni, should i not be able to handle insects? Answer- Hell to the No!!! Tackling killer wasps in my room at insane hours of the morning- has never been on my 'things i must do before i die' list.

Anyway- i anxiously stand in the corridor and listen to my dad battle the flying fiend. It is not an easy battle, it slips away many a times. It withstands about 10 whacks (no lie) and still manages to fly around. I watch in silent horror as it bumbles around in my room lamp, sending a massive shower of dust all over my desk, laptop and notes. In this moment i decide i hate insects. That's right- HATE. Pure unadulterated loathing.

My dad has it trapped between two slippers. He is squeezing them together- but no, its seemingly invinsible armour is still holding it together. And it thrashes around. Never have i desired an AK-47 more than at this particular moment. Anyhow- it presently lies in several pieces (that's right i shall be grotesque and Sweeney Todd like) and dismantled in our toilet bin. May it not rest in peace.

I have vowed to myself NEVER to leave my bedroom door open again. Ever ever ever....And i am sitting here, breathing in the dust that is now circulating in the air (my eyes are irritated, my trachea is irritated) and I am feeling very sorry for myself.

Wasps were definitely harmed in the making of this post.

my current desktop background. Quite accurately sums up the state of my mind at the moment. 

Friday 10 December 2010

Roy Lichenstein is cool. :)

"This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces.
It is not God who kills children.
Not fate that feeds them to the dogs.
It's us. Only us." 


Thursday 9 December 2010

if only Batman could save me from the tediums of life

I shouldn't be sitting here studying!! I should be with Batman- exploring the streets of Gotham. I hate studying. Also i hate cramming at the last minute, every second losing hope of passing this exam. I swear this is like doing a whole A level in a term. I dont understaaaaaaaaaaaaand.

So a few weeks ago i bought 14 graphic novels for £8. Have i had the chance to read them? no... because i kind of forgot about them til yesterday- but now I''ve been made aware of their existence, it's painful knowing they are sitting in my cupboard waiting to be read and loved by me. Batman- i miss you.... :(
And Neuromuscular Junctions- i loathe you.

Elmo's Song


What else could i be doing at 3:36am? Oh yes... listening to Sesame Street songs. Again procrastinating from revising. Sleep is now a luxury i dont have time for. And is it possible? I seem to be remembering less and less. This is very anti-productive.

Anyway, I love listening to these kinds of songs- brings me back to a happier time. When the most important part of my day was making sure I was on time to catch 'Inspector Gadget' on tv. :)

Nothing better to do than feel sorry for myself for being in the current predicament i find myself in...

Sunday 5 December 2010

When i type 'Barbra Streisand' into YouTube, the first video is the Duck Sauce song...

:( What is the world coming to?

Hipster hate

So before i came to uni i wasn't even aware that there was a group of people- referred to by society as "Hipsters"

It wasn't until i saw this video- posted by a uni mate on facebook. I have posted it below for your convenience. Additional note: in this video they seem to be using the word 'dickhead' instead of hipster. Apparently both words are interchangable...


And as i was watching it I couldn't help but think- 'but i like the way those people dress...' is that a terrible thing to admit?

Upon further research into this fascinating topic- i found that there is a lot of hate directed at these individuals. It seems they are disliked for trying too hard to go against the mainstream market.  

In fact last week someone at uni branded me a hipster! :O But after some self-inflicted insight into who i am (this was a very elating exercise btw- everyone should do it!), i came out the other end with the simple conclusion. 'I'm definitely not a hipster.' Quirky? Hell to the yes! But i indulge myself with the latest mainstream gossip as much as the next guy. And i'm not ashamed to admit it.

I asked another uni comrade, "why all the hatin' on all the hipsters?"
And the reply went, "They just try too hard to be different. It's just like, chill."

Here's another video i found whilst scouting around the interwebs:


I like both videos for their obvious entertainment value, however i still don't quite understand; Why the Hipster Hate??

Saturday 4 December 2010

First Exam of Uni

Sitting in my room trying to understand the Autonomic Nervous System... i'm the very definition of underprepared.

Just over a week left. If i wasn't so cool- i'd totally be panicking right now.

also- i'm so good at distracting myself. I have probably played about 5 hours of guitar/ violin these past 2 days.

My fingers actually have indentations of the strings in them...

Discipline is my greatest foe!!!


Wednesday 1 December 2010

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Friday 5 November 2010


I actually love this brand new show! It's like the videogames i play. Assassins, spies, infiltration + lead female characters kicking ass! :D

cool huh?

Saturday 30 October 2010

The Cartoon Medley

Check it out

I actually love this. No homo. ;)

Thursday 21 October 2010

This look is just too cool! :)


LookBook. It's such amazing inspiration! Check it out if you haven't already.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Tales from the Tube (part 2)

Oh yes, and now for another encounter i just remembered about.

I manage to squeeze myself onto the tube during rush hour (never an easy task). I spot an empty seat as a woman leaves. A business man is standing right in front of it. I sigh, business men always take the seats. He glances over at me and smiles.

Business man: Oh, here you have it. gestures for me to take the seat.

Me: in slight shock oh wow, thanks very much! i move to take the seat. Just before i manage to sit, i see an elderly-ish lady board the carriage. I hover. Oh hello, would you  like this seat?

Elderly-ish lady: Why thank you dear! enthusiastically plonks herself into the seat.

Business man: chuckles pass it on, eh?

Me: smiling yeah it's like a cycle.

Elderly-ish lady: Thanks so much for this. I've been standing all day. This is very very kind of you.

Me: You've been standing all day? Well then you certainly deserve that seat a lot more than i do. smile 

(note: that's a lie. i just came from 3 hours of badminton. my feet were actually killing me!)

Anyway, it was a nice little encounter with random people. It's such scenarios that restore my faith in humanity (really it is the little things). Also, I've had a personal goal since the start of uni to give up a seat to an elderly person on the tube.

so TICK!


Tales from the Tube

Since i spend approx 2 hours of my day on public transport, i thought i'd write about fun things that happen on those oh so very exciting journeys.

So today i sat by this crazy old lady. There was a seat in between us- but as i sat down, with my ipod out she looked over at me. I mean very long stare kind of look. Now when people stare at me on public transport my reflex reaction is to not look at them at all in the hope that they'll stop.

Then she points to my ipod and says "wow, that's really nice. where did you get it from?" I ignore her, but she repeats this. I smile and say "Sorry i don't know, it was a present." She nods and mutters unintelligible words to herself. I think she was a bit... uhm, special.

Anyway i crank up the volume in the attempt to drown out her voice if she decides to speak to me again. She does, i hear her faint voice in the background of my music (Nirvana- smells like teen spirit, at this time). I pretend not to acknowledge her gazing and moving mouth. She then reaches over and gently yanks at my sleeve. At this very moment i discovered that i'm not much fond of strangers touching me on the tube. She asks me about how to get to Baker Street. I tell her it's the next stop. She doesn't seem to understand me. Thankfully it's the next stop, so when the tube stops i politely advice her to dismount. She does so, with another one of those awefully charming stares.

Bless her cotton socks. :)

Tuesday 12 October 2010

They've named the Fundamental Dentistry module: FunDent


It really is the little things....

Fundamental Bonding

First 3 weeks at uni. Crazy in my nazy fun so far!!! Seriously it's awesome, the people are lovely and friendly and intelligent and beautiful. And the course is incredible, long and so mindblowingly challenging!

We had a freshers fortnight. Essential first few weeks to make those all important first impressions on people and make life-long friends (hopefully...). I was told to go to everything i possibly could- since that's the only way to meet lotsa new people in a short space of time.

Week 1:
Monday- induction
Tuesday- Band Night (students with guitars, wearing labcoats and doing some serious headbanging. quite frightening really....)
Wednesday- Curry at Brick Land with Badminton club (very nice and cheap!)
Thursday- Quiz Night (dragged some newly acquainted friends down. we made a team and came.... *drum roll* 19th. Which is 3rd from last. oh well, was fun though!)
Friday- Toga and Tequila night (see below. nuff said!)

Week 2:
Monday + Tuesday- proper lectures. very condensed- adjusting to university pace has been difficult!
Wednesday- first badminton session, may have made team... (squeal!!!!)
Thursday- Gangsters and Hoes (pics below. get yo face excited!!!)
Friday- rest day... my feet had cramps. yet more lectures fyi.
Saturday- Boat Ball (again pics below)

+dentsoc circus night event- just this wednesday.... (photos at the bottom. this will be one heck of a monster of an update folks!)

Thought i'd just upload some pictures onto here of the main events to demonstrate the funness that has been the start of university- woop woop!

First stop; Toga and Tequila Party!

My newly assigned good friend Naz and I- she's shown bottom left of this section- we bought cloth from a market for just under £4 each. Then we basically wrapped it around ourselves-toga style! We grabbed some leaves off trees on our way to my student dad's apartment (he's shown on the right with me- both of us very much drunk by this time). Just below this writing you may see me on the right with leaves on my head. Roman eh? Didn't last a very long time, I'll tell you!

Anyway, it was an amazing night! The lovely, lovely students there bought us very many drinks. The last two pictures were of our tube ride back home- exhausted and drunk. Not a good combo. :)

Gangsters and Hoes:

Ah, you will see my outfit properly just above this text. I'm furthest to the right- in the orange top. First time I've worn heels in months and months. It wasn't easy friends.
So this was the first asian society event of the year. Which meant lotsa R&B music and bangra. lol. If only I'd known how to dance to that... But no worries i once again got a bit too excited about the ol' alcohol. Nevermind had one heck of a night! :D

 Next; Boat Ball:
 Boat ball was a night spent cruising down the Thames. Shame i don't have a full length shot of my dress. Bad planning really- i should really have thought to take a picture before i left... apologies... anyway i'm sure i'll wear it again at some point! ;)

But yes, nice evening. Naz and i decided we would not get drunk this evening. So it felt a lot more mellow than the rest. It's a good and bad thing really. :) Enjoy the less hectic pictures- not as many i'm afraid...

Circus Night (a dentsoc event...):

 And I dressed as a ballerina! Well, kind of... We all painted hearts on ourselves to show that we're now a clan. Indeed. Good thing i brought face paint in, huh? Sonila (below, left) and Nikki (black and white stripes) show our hearts off beautifully! Enjoy! 

So yes, it's been a mad couple of weeks... whew. Just some random pics here at the end- from various fun times around cafeterias and restaurants with my new bum chums. It'll be nice to look back on this post one day and reminisce....

Seriously hoped you liked this post! Pictures are always such a pain in the ass to upload and find and then arrange. Also i have a lazy problem...

Take care ya'll!! 

Monday 11 October 2010

     I like it when I open a document and my monitor says WORD. And I'm like, YO.  "

Sunday 10 October 2010

Thursday 16 September 2010

Taylor Momsen

She's got one heck of an attitude. As much as I want to dislike her and her unexpected music career- I simply can't. Annoyingly enough she's actually got a really good voice, and her music is fresh and catchy. 


Hmm, I can't seem to be able to get up and do anything.

Glancing around my room I see vast mountains of clothes, books, paper, speakers, CDs, DVDs, stationary.. need i go on?

I walk into my room now. I don't enjoy the scenery. Not the least bit. At the moment it's not the kind of room that makes you want to randomly invite all your friends around- just so you can sit in it, and they can compliment you on how it really accentuates my personality. Nope, no urge to do that.

Problem is, as soon as I open my laptop up- there's no getting up. I don't even notice the clutter when I'm sitting here in my chair, amidst all the chaos. I can't even claim it's organised chaos anymore- because that would be lying. A quality I don't aspire to possess if i can help it.


I really, really can't make myself get out of my chair.

*goes on YouTube*

Okay, I got a bit excited over a song (Welcome Home, Son- by Radical Face. Great, heart soaring song!) and i knocked a massive pile of comic books next to me over. And it landed on my foot. So, ow!


Okay fine! I'll tidy up!!!


Wednesday 15 September 2010

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Half of the Olsen Twins (in this case Ashley)

There's always been something about the Olsen twins. I have known them (well not personally..) since they were kids on 'Full House'. Now they are simply famous individuals with one heck of a flair for fashion. Also they've made numerous films, had their own tv series and apparently have a series of books for teenagers. 

The drawing above has been created by an amazing artist called Michele Seo. If you like it (and how can you not, it's absolutely mind-staggering!)- i urge you to check out her deviant site, link provided just below the masterpiece. Get clicking!

Monday 13 September 2010


Check out her YouTube site       

This is Erin (full name: Erinpaula) she's from Rin on the Rox (when she used to sing with her friend Roxanne). But now she seems to have gone solo. Although it is sad- she is pretty amazing on her own.

She's so beautiful, talented and fun. I want to be friends with her sooo badly! Or even better- BE her!

The Frog Prince?

Back breaking stuff this weekend. Removing all the overgrown shrubs and trees from a garden that had gotten waaaaaay out of control. So i'm sitting here feeling pretty satisfied with all the labouring that's been done- but also achey all over. From my feet, legs, back to my shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and neck.

Anyway, I saw at least 5 frogs on various occasions this weekend and tried catching them- but all the effort proved to be in vain. Those sneaky critters can jump you know!

However- my daddy (genius that he is) managed to nab one before we left- so here are some pictures with my handsome Frog Prince.

So uhm yes, here i am sporting an outrageously fashionable, shockingly orange jacket. An absolute feast for the eyes, i know. But drag your gaze away for just a moment- can you see my frog? I know it looks as if I'm about to eat him in the first one (he wasn't that close to my face, I don't think...). I look supremely happy in these photos- i was so excited about the frog. I have this thing about frogs. So this was like someone had just told me Batman really does exist! Plus I've decided to name him Trevor- I set him free again mere moments after these pictures were taken. We were both on tight schedules. 

You know, I did contemplate kissing him to see whether a Prince might come out of it all. But after a sharp- "Put that frog down and wash your hands! You don't know where it's been!" from one of my parentals, all visions of Happily Ever After hopped away- as he leaped from my hand to rejoin nature. 

So long...

Sunday 12 September 2010

Night time is the best time!

As I'm writing it is exactly 11 minutes to midnight. I've just had a large mug of coffee. It's just me, my laptop and a stack of comic books...

Let the good times roll!!!

Neil Gaiman's: Sandman, Endless Nights

  Neil Gaiman- proclaimed to be one of our great masters within the fantasy genre. The author of:
-Stardust (now a successful movie)
-Coraline (made into an animated picture- in fact the very first piece of writing I read by Gaiman was Coraline in a graphic novel format. Creeped me out big time, what's with all those button eyes?!)
And now the Sandman series. I'd heard big things about this saga. So when i spotted it at my library- i thought i'd hit the jackpot! It features various short stories, all written by Gaiman- illustrated by different artists (all very impressive within their own rights).
Now i don't know whether I'm being completely stupid- but i really didn't get the point of most of them. At the end of almost every story i remember thinking (okay, well... what? what was the message, the meaning?). I feel a little bit like the one person sitting in the audience of a stand-up comedian who misses every punchline. 

Some stories (such as the one pictured above- Desire's story) albeit a little sexy- was admittedly a brilliant piece of story-telling. Maybe i should not have chosen this book to be my very first in the Sandman series. Or maybe i should just retire myself to the fact that everyone's favourite author isn't mine. 

Just some thoughts. 


Friday 10 September 2010


Oh also- thought i'd let you all know that i got into Uni.
So am i excited? HELL TO THE YEAAAS!!!

I start pretty soon. With a freshers fortnight. Which sounds... twice as long as a freshers week? You betcha- because it is.

5 years of undergraduate dentistry here i come!!

whatever. totally not addictive.

New Layout?

"New layout?" you ask.

The answer: Yes.

Reason: Apparently the other one sucked (thanks to that explicitly honest person for being so straight up.)

Anyway, i don't know if i really like it.... We'll have to see. Hopefully it'll grow on me. If it doesn't expect to see a completely different design soon!


I'ma Back!!!

Why hello there world. :)

Sorry for the big absence. But I've now got good news to report! I should be uploading frequently from now on because I've gotten meself a brand new top to sit on my lap (a laptop....).

So expect greatness!! Nothing less...


Tuesday 29 June 2010


Last A level exam. Ever. Hopefully...

Well it's just gone past 12 midnight. Which means i have my last ever physics exam in approximately 13 hours.

It's a dumb physics retake. uhuh- it's dumb.


Monday 21 June 2010

Final Fantasy XIII

I can't believe i'm actually playing this game! :O
Sooo excited.... fo' real.

Friday 18 June 2010

almost there....

oh boy... just came out of a physics exam. which went....- well better than i expected, based on the fact that so far i haven't even been getting a grade in any of the mocks. so hopefully i achieved an E in this test- which is probably pretty good considering i did about two hours of revision in total. last night + this morning.... aren't i the ambitious one?

anyway- got my big maths exam coming up in just over two hours. should i be revising instead of writing this? sure! should i have learned from previous experience that this is how i end up not getting the grades? sure! am i still sitting here writing? of course...


... oh boy- i'm going to fail in life. definitely.

Monday 7 June 2010

Went to bed at 3:00am this morning... woke up at 8:00am to go to school.

Biology exam tomorrow morning at 8:30am- i basically started revising yesterday...

nice one!

Thursday 3 June 2010

Chicago ♥

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Miss Firecracker

My beloved drama teacher once lent me a copy of the script (the stage version is called 'The Miss Firecracker Contest') - it's very funny and quite sweet and suburban in its feel. Kind of like the 'Crimes of the Heart' piece we did for our AS level performance (I played the part of Babe Botrelle- crazy girl). [edit: lol, it's no wonder they are similar- both were written by the superb Beth Henley within the same two years...]

Anyway, this film was on tv yesterday and i simply couldn't resist watching it. Holly Hunter was brilliant as Carnelle- so fresh funny and quirky. :)

Very well cast. It was subtle and had a lovely old, vintage feel to it. The kind that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Okay- that's my sharing for the day! :D

Monday 24 May 2010

Ellen Degeneres and Portia De Rossi

Being a lesbian must make things so much more interesting.
I mean- i'm beginning to think the whole man and woman falling in love thing is so boring. So monotonous... You know?

Just a thought....

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Firm University Place at Barts!


Today i firmed my place at Barts University of Medicine and Dentistry (Queen Mary's, University London)! Which basically means i put it down as my first choice.

I've put Manchester down as my insurance.

My first exam (Mechanics) is on monday... less than two weeks!!! I really need to be getting at least a B in this exam (to stay on target for an overall A).

*sigh* all i can do now is study study study... and then study a bit more. joy!

Saturday 8 May 2010

Lea Salonga, as Eponine in Les Miserables

The first time i ever saw Lea Salonga perform was on our tv at home with my sister and mum, watching the special 10th Anniversary Concert of Les Miserables.
Seeing Lea perform 'On My Own' actually sent shivers down my spine. It is probably one of the best  things i ever seen... ever.

She's soo super talented! Makes me proud to call myself part Fili!


Shrek the Musical: I Know It's Today


Sutton Foster- Fiona in Shrek the musical. I believe she won an award for this. Pretty brilliant. I love this song!
I'm going through some kind of Sutton Foster obsession at the moment. Evidently.
You will probably be getting a lot of Sutton posts soon...
Just a warning...


Monday 3 May 2010

" I have an ouchy... in here."
