Tuesday 21 July 2009

Last Drama Lesson.... EVER!!!



today was my last drama lesson... ever....

t'was very sad. You see I've been doing drama since year 7. -back then it wasn't serious stuff, just games and stuff that shouldn't actually be called drama, lol. and we had a teacher called Miss Kennedy- good times those were.... :)

Anyway, then it came to the end of year 9 and we had to pick subjects for GCSEs- and i picked drama (naturally)

What followed was two years of drama with a teacher called Ms Fox- who has greatly inspired me in many ways. :)

We studied plays such as Blood Brothers, Caucasian Chalk Circle and others.... our pieces had to be devised. I remember always being very confident of my ability- until i saw myself perform (it had been recorded). And then the tragic thing occured: my self perception of myself was way out of line with how i actually look. So a big shocker- and a huge knock on my confidence... :(

...good times...

and then i got a B for my GCSE- instead of the A i was so surely predicted. I remember being absolutely destroyed by that.

Lol. How dramatic.

Anyway i tried getting over it- but i don't think i've ever properly done. So since i haven't completely felt confident in my ability.

When it came to choosing A-levels i wasn't as sure whether to pick it... but in the end i did- my unbeatable love for the subject itself beat any self-doubt i had!

So I've just had a year of incredible theatre studies (at AS level):
-discovered absurdist plays (Eugene Ionesco, amongst others)
-did the play 'Crimes of the Heart' (i played Babe)- the suicidal youngest sister who shot her husband in the stomach. :)
-I also did a monologue from 'The Gentlemen of Verona'
-And we studied 'A Doll's House' and 'Oleanna' in a lot of detail.

but alas my future prospects dictate that i can't continue it next year.

It's been rather heartbreaking, and today was the last day. :(

Spent about 1.5 hours speaking to Ms Fox after school about stuff.... man she's awesome!


I'll really miss it. :) -But i'm incredibly thankful for all the years i've been fortunate enough to study the subject (and all the amazing things i've been able to take away from it!)

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