Thursday 16 September 2010

Taylor Momsen

She's got one heck of an attitude. As much as I want to dislike her and her unexpected music career- I simply can't. Annoyingly enough she's actually got a really good voice, and her music is fresh and catchy. 


Hmm, I can't seem to be able to get up and do anything.

Glancing around my room I see vast mountains of clothes, books, paper, speakers, CDs, DVDs, stationary.. need i go on?

I walk into my room now. I don't enjoy the scenery. Not the least bit. At the moment it's not the kind of room that makes you want to randomly invite all your friends around- just so you can sit in it, and they can compliment you on how it really accentuates my personality. Nope, no urge to do that.

Problem is, as soon as I open my laptop up- there's no getting up. I don't even notice the clutter when I'm sitting here in my chair, amidst all the chaos. I can't even claim it's organised chaos anymore- because that would be lying. A quality I don't aspire to possess if i can help it.


I really, really can't make myself get out of my chair.

*goes on YouTube*

Okay, I got a bit excited over a song (Welcome Home, Son- by Radical Face. Great, heart soaring song!) and i knocked a massive pile of comic books next to me over. And it landed on my foot. So, ow!


Okay fine! I'll tidy up!!!


Wednesday 15 September 2010

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Half of the Olsen Twins (in this case Ashley)

There's always been something about the Olsen twins. I have known them (well not personally..) since they were kids on 'Full House'. Now they are simply famous individuals with one heck of a flair for fashion. Also they've made numerous films, had their own tv series and apparently have a series of books for teenagers. 

The drawing above has been created by an amazing artist called Michele Seo. If you like it (and how can you not, it's absolutely mind-staggering!)- i urge you to check out her deviant site, link provided just below the masterpiece. Get clicking!

Monday 13 September 2010


Check out her YouTube site       

This is Erin (full name: Erinpaula) she's from Rin on the Rox (when she used to sing with her friend Roxanne). But now she seems to have gone solo. Although it is sad- she is pretty amazing on her own.

She's so beautiful, talented and fun. I want to be friends with her sooo badly! Or even better- BE her!

The Frog Prince?

Back breaking stuff this weekend. Removing all the overgrown shrubs and trees from a garden that had gotten waaaaaay out of control. So i'm sitting here feeling pretty satisfied with all the labouring that's been done- but also achey all over. From my feet, legs, back to my shoulders, arms, wrists, hands and neck.

Anyway, I saw at least 5 frogs on various occasions this weekend and tried catching them- but all the effort proved to be in vain. Those sneaky critters can jump you know!

However- my daddy (genius that he is) managed to nab one before we left- so here are some pictures with my handsome Frog Prince.

So uhm yes, here i am sporting an outrageously fashionable, shockingly orange jacket. An absolute feast for the eyes, i know. But drag your gaze away for just a moment- can you see my frog? I know it looks as if I'm about to eat him in the first one (he wasn't that close to my face, I don't think...). I look supremely happy in these photos- i was so excited about the frog. I have this thing about frogs. So this was like someone had just told me Batman really does exist! Plus I've decided to name him Trevor- I set him free again mere moments after these pictures were taken. We were both on tight schedules. 

You know, I did contemplate kissing him to see whether a Prince might come out of it all. But after a sharp- "Put that frog down and wash your hands! You don't know where it's been!" from one of my parentals, all visions of Happily Ever After hopped away- as he leaped from my hand to rejoin nature. 

So long...

Sunday 12 September 2010

Night time is the best time!

As I'm writing it is exactly 11 minutes to midnight. I've just had a large mug of coffee. It's just me, my laptop and a stack of comic books...

Let the good times roll!!!

Neil Gaiman's: Sandman, Endless Nights

  Neil Gaiman- proclaimed to be one of our great masters within the fantasy genre. The author of:
-Stardust (now a successful movie)
-Coraline (made into an animated picture- in fact the very first piece of writing I read by Gaiman was Coraline in a graphic novel format. Creeped me out big time, what's with all those button eyes?!)
And now the Sandman series. I'd heard big things about this saga. So when i spotted it at my library- i thought i'd hit the jackpot! It features various short stories, all written by Gaiman- illustrated by different artists (all very impressive within their own rights).
Now i don't know whether I'm being completely stupid- but i really didn't get the point of most of them. At the end of almost every story i remember thinking (okay, well... what? what was the message, the meaning?). I feel a little bit like the one person sitting in the audience of a stand-up comedian who misses every punchline. 

Some stories (such as the one pictured above- Desire's story) albeit a little sexy- was admittedly a brilliant piece of story-telling. Maybe i should not have chosen this book to be my very first in the Sandman series. Or maybe i should just retire myself to the fact that everyone's favourite author isn't mine. 

Just some thoughts. 


Friday 10 September 2010


Oh also- thought i'd let you all know that i got into Uni.
So am i excited? HELL TO THE YEAAAS!!!

I start pretty soon. With a freshers fortnight. Which sounds... twice as long as a freshers week? You betcha- because it is.

5 years of undergraduate dentistry here i come!!

whatever. totally not addictive.

New Layout?

"New layout?" you ask.

The answer: Yes.

Reason: Apparently the other one sucked (thanks to that explicitly honest person for being so straight up.)

Anyway, i don't know if i really like it.... We'll have to see. Hopefully it'll grow on me. If it doesn't expect to see a completely different design soon!


I'ma Back!!!

Why hello there world. :)

Sorry for the big absence. But I've now got good news to report! I should be uploading frequently from now on because I've gotten meself a brand new top to sit on my lap (a laptop....).

So expect greatness!! Nothing less...
