Saturday 15 October 2011


So last night i was called a Relationship-phobe by a person who knows me very well- and who sometimes says startlingly offensives statement about me, that after a fair amount of hindsight turn out to be true.

The latest comment refers to my lack of enthusiasm in pursuing any romantic relationships with guys- despite my current position: a young, fresh and generally openminded university student.

I've put some thought into the matter and have decided that although i am certainly in no rush to get into a relationship, calling me a relationship-phobe (phobe meaning afraid) would be inaccurate. I do not fear it- i'm just being logical. All around me people are jumping into relationships with random people they know next to nothing about- and then crying their hearts out when they see their lives crumbling. Why should i be in a rush to experience that?

"A fool doesn't learn from his own mistakes but it is an absolute idiot who doesn't learn from the mistakes of other people!"
-Frasier Crane

Also anyone who knows me would say that i am impatient and impulsive. Oddly enough it seems that 'love' is the one field i am in no rush to discover. It's not really my fault- my heart's just hibernating. Luckily i love my own company =)

And since Cameron is still on my favourite people list- here's an original song from him, that sorta goes with this post- play from 0.45 to go straight from the beginning of the song
(also interesting fact- Cameron means Crooked Nose)

 (note: links are not posted under Youtube videos anymore since you can click the 'YouTube' icon on the video and it'll take you straight to the source.)

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