Thursday 8 September 2011

I made my mom a cake for her Birthday this year

Below i have posted pictures so the steps of cake decorating can be explained in a visual medium- which i'm sure is preferable to a written one in this instance. Anyway i shan't be making another cake for a while since this one took about 5 hours and a lot of effort. It was worth it in the end though i have to say! :) The actual recipe for the cake was a chocoloate loaf cake recipe from Nigella Lawson's 'How to be a Domestic Goddess' cook book. I then put it into a circular cake dish instead (and i think i doubled the recipe...). Anyway the exciting parts of it were actually whipping the cream (from double cream)- which i've never done since now. And making the marzipan roses of course. Anyway hope you like the cake =) 

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