Monday 29 August 2011

The lesbian magazine and I

Basically i was in the library shelving the sci-fi section when i walked past a magazine with Emma Watson's face on the front cover. I immediately stopped in my tracks, consciously took a breath and moved back slowly to reengage with the magazine.

Emma was smiling on the front with her very short hair (which as you probably know has sparked many debates as to whether she is now as pretty as she was with the shoulder length hair, previously seen in the HP films- i don't really care. She's still same old Emma to me! ;') 

So anyway, i paused to fully take in the shine in Emma's eyes, the gloss of the cover and Emma's half smile/pout. I then snatched the magazine up faster than was probably visible to the naked eye. The original idea was to take the magazine and run. Run far, far away. But then i remembered common etiquette- so i approached the enquiries desk where my fellow associates sat.

"May i take this? I really want to take it home. It's free isn't it?" I could hear the ill-concealed eagerness in my voice. No use trying to pretend i didn't want that magazine more than anything at that very moment.

The librarians (my fellow colleagues) sitting behind the desk, seemed to raise their eyebrows as they took in the front cover of the magazine- but made no comment about it.

"Yes, i believe it is free." One of them said after a moment of hesitation. She had then smiled at me, as if seeing me with new eyes.

"Yay!!" i had almost shouted, rejoicing and bounding to the staffroom to lock it away safely in my locker.

It was only later on at home that i realised (with the aid of my mother pointing it out amid huge bouts of laughter) that the magazine was intended for Lesbians. It seems i had not previously noticed the massive title "Real Lesbians" on the front cover next to Emma's face... i had also missed the fact that the magazine was on display on the 'Gay/Lesbian' shelf.

I believe my colleagues now think i am indeed a lesbian...

Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just that i'm not, and it's a bit awkward if people genuinely believe that i am.

oh dear... : /

the lesson i've learnt is: maybe i'm a bit too obsessed with Emma Watson

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