Monday 29 August 2011

Cameron Mitchell

The Glee Project confirmed that guys like this exist- thank you! :D


  1. he is so dreamy when he sings this song...and also when he doesn't sing always... *sigh*

  2. I'm loving the glee project, but is Cameron for real? Someone laid a smacker on him and he cried and called his mum? Someone needs to hit this boy. I like the dude with the dreadlocks (as arrogant as he may be) and the girl with curly brown hair who reminds me of the lead from spring awakening

  3. Yes Cameron is for real! He's so adorable, a little weak admittedly, but i like to call it sensitive. :) also Lindsay is the girl you're talking about and she's very talented but a little fake perhaps... Love the Glee Project!!
